Borel Tchamen
I am a self-motivated and hardworking student researcher with notable experience in parasitology/medical entomology. I have sound experience in research for Culex mosquitoes control gained during my MSc work (2018) with the Organization of Coordination and Cooperation for the fight against the Great Endemics in Central Africa (OCEAC), Cameroon. I subscribed for a PhD level in September 2018, to date I continue with my research work on “Bio-ecology and control of Dengue and chikungunya vectors in the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Where I study the ecology and distribution of Aedes mosquitoes species in three ecological seettings (Urban, Peri-urban and forested areas) of Yaoundé, Then I access the stegomyia indices (Breteau, container, nymphal and houses indices) according to each site for determining the risk of arboviruses transmission. Also I identify Aedes mosquitoes even Culex species that can be found in my samples. Furthermore I study the efficacy of different doses of the larvicide Vectomax (Bti and Bsph) on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus strains on laboratory and semi-natural conditions. After my PhD, I am interested in the future to join a research group where I can learn, innovate, contribute and improve for vectors-borne diseases control.
Why I study Aedes mosquitoes?
The emergence and re-emergence of arboviruses diseases such as dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever virus are crutial public health problems worldwide. Recently, many serologicals investigations revealed that Cameroon has been faced a continuous increase these arboviruses cases in differents areas across the country. And Yaoundé, capital city of Cameroon, is the most affected areas with historics cases of arboviruses circulation. For instance, assessing the potential for arbovirus outbreaks at the local level, can be facilitated by identifying all patterns of relationships, including triangular relationships (human-vector- environment) and to implement vector management and control strategies. Then vector surveillance is the most reliable method not only in monitoring the population of mosquito vectors, but also in predicting the transmission risk of arboviruses diseases in human populations.