The Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (WRBU)
24 May 2019
WRBU is a U.S. resource for systematics research on medically important arthropods and maintainance of the U.S. mosquito collection.The purpose of the WRBU is to conduct laboratory and field research on medically important arthropod species and species groups in support of epidemiological studies and disease control strategies of importance to the military.
As part of the WRBU, a number of online resources are provided, including a number of sandfly identification resources. Resources include the following:
- Medically important sandfly species
- Fundamental distinguishing characters among sadnfly genera
- Sandfly morphology
- Sandfly identification keys
- Literature on sandflies
- Online systematic catalog of Phlebotominae
- A gallery of sandfly images
- Sandfly tutorials, including dissection and mounting guidance
Sand fly identification at WRBU is organized by US Department of Defense Unified Command Areas of Responsibility, AFRICOM, CENTCOM, EUCOM, NORTHCOM, PACOM, and SOUTHCOM.