Georgette Kluiters

BBSRC Future Leader Fellow
University of Liverpool

A veterinary epidemiologist and entomologist specialising in the biology and control of insect vectors of livestock diseases.

I have a strong veterinary science background with a PhD in veterinary epidemiology and entomology, more specifically in relation to the livestock disease bluetongue, and its midge vectors. Experienced in designing and undertaking field-studies on disease vectors, including their ecology, flight dynamics and feeding behaviour as well as both morphological and molecular identification of these insects and their blood meals.

Previously worked as a postdoctoral research associate on a BBSRC-funded project which aimed to improve projections for the future of bluetongue and its vectors under scenarios of climate and environmental change.

Currently a BBSRC Future Leader Fellow determining the effect of a parasitic worm on the life history characteristics, vector competence and survival of insects that transmit economically important viruses to livestock - thereby assessing their potential as biological control agents.

Area of expertise: 
Biting midges
Email: g.kluiters [at]
Early career researcher