Mark Fife

The Pirbright Institute

Mark Fife leads the Genetics and Genomics group at The Pirbright Institute. He is a complex-disease geneticist with extensive experience in complex trait analysis (QTL and association studies), candidate gene mapping and molecular biology techniques. He has produced over 45 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters in this area before becoming a group leader at the Institute.  His work has been the focus of extensive genome-wide and haplotype analysis using web-based SNP selector software that he has implemented at Pirbright. This work has culminated in the identification and characterisation of several causal genes for important immune traits in chickens and potential vector competence genes in Culicoides Midges. 

Dr. Fife has extensive expertise in coordinating multidisciplinary and multi-site projects.  He is an active STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) ambassador which creates opportunities to inspire young people and develop their creativity, problem-solving and employability skills for the UK's future competitiveness.

Area of expertise: 
Biting midges
Established researcher